Tuesday, January 3, 2012

28. The surest indicator of a great nation is represented not by the achievement of its rulers, artists or scientists, but by the general welfare of its people.

28. The surest indicator of a great nation is represented not by the achievement of its rulers, artists or scientists, but by the general welfare of its people. 

Define: a great nation
Achievements or general welfare?

- A nation is not composed only of successful individuals. The general welfare of the people of a nation is an evaluation of the overall strength of the nation.

DisagrePublish Poste:
- Certain individuals put their nations on the map.
Ex: Rulers- Abraham Lincoln preserved the union and abolished slavery. (United States)
Ex: Artists- Leonardo da Vinci was widely acclaimed as the greatest painter of all time and revered for his technological ingenuity. (Italy)
Ex: Scientists- German-born physicist Albert Einstein came up with the theory of relativity.

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